【12x12 Layout】Lets Get Sketchy ---> DESIGN TEAM CALL

YES!!! I just saw the announcement this morning, and I thought this is a great opportunity that I can't miss. And I made this layout right away!!

Here is the announcement!! ---> Lets Get Sketchy DESIGN TEAM CALL Announcement

Lets Get Sketchy is looking to add 2-4 more members to their already fabulous Design Team. The DT term will run from January 1st through April 1st and  could very well be extended after that time.

Lets Get Sketchy ---> The Design Team Call Sketches:

Here is my layout:

More details: 

Thank you so much for stopping by!! :)

Daisy Day 開創台灣首次『Daisy Day手作創業輔導班』,只有15個名額!

❤ 2014年3月20日,為了佈置我申請美國設計學校的作品集,我走進一間位在北投捷運站旁的精緻手作小店 --『Daisy Day』,從那天起,我開始接觸scrapbooking

❤ 除了時尚設計作品集的加分,我也順利到美國求學。
❤ 謝謝Daisy Day 啟發了我心中從小對手作的創作因子,去年來到美國這個手作創藝大國,更是發現scrapbooking不管是在美國、加拿大、英國、歐洲、亦或亞洲的日本、馬來西亞、新加坡等國家,更是一個非常專業且流傳幾十年的一種職業,而這是當初身在台灣的我從沒見過的藝術領域,當我更了解它的歷史後,則深深被scrapbooking吸引的無法自拔。 利用無酸無毒的美術紙,把腦海裡虛構的想像轉化成可以保存永久的真實,那樣的幻化療癒了我心中遠在他鄉求學的遊子心靈,成為我在美國目前的職業,也因為有了Daisy Day的輔導協助,甚至成立Hannie的手作品牌【 by Hannie〖Daisy Day Mini〗】,這絕對不是幾年前在工作上日夜加班的我能預料到的,不過,我真的很開心這樣的轉變。

❤ 從小習舞,科班畢業,對於舞臺不陌生,對於美的事物,情有獨鍾。雖然一直在藝術圈裡,但是對於美術領域,總有一種跨不過的無形障礙,縱使自己的作品集都過關了,但還是會存有很大的疑慮,然而 Daisy Day的李老師及設計師Vianne,一直灌輸我一個觀念,提升我的信心:『藝術沒有對錯,每個用心製作的作品,都是好的創作;藝術沒有界線,每位不同領域跨越進來的創作者,都是好的藝術家。』   今年八月,我正式加入Daisy Day Mini Team,能和這個團隊共事,是Hannie的榮幸,有Daisy Day的協助與支持,讓Hannie在創作中更無所懼。

❤ 今天,Daisy Day將與國立臺北商業大學共同突破台灣手作的界線,開創台灣首次『Daisy Day手作創業輔導班』
✔  針對一般大眾,或對手作有熱情的新手。
✔  全程課程使用歐美進口無酸無毒的手作材料。
✔  頒發Daisy Day結業證書外,還另頒發國立臺北商業大學相關修業證書。





                 (於1月5日前完成報名者,加贈手作祕笈Scrapbook Corner拼貼玩手作一書,市價NT$380。)


1) 報名方式:Daisy Day 台北北投總店(台北市北投區中正街69號)
2) 諮詢電話:(02) 2897-0017 

【Card】Season of Love~ Christmas card

Christmas eve is the most wonderful day, cause we stay with our family for Christmas dinner!! Today I wanna share 2 of the Christmas cards, 
hope you like it!! :) 
和大家一起分享這兩張聖誕卡片,希望你也喜歡噢! :)

首先,第一張卡片的設計是由Daisy Day 首席設計師-- Vianne
所設計的『Daisy Day 12月份主題課』,因為現在正值聖誕節期間,於是Hannie以聖誕節為主題,不過這個layout主題是可以更換的唷!大家有興趣的話,
歡迎至臺灣 Daisy Day北投總店及 忠孝店 上課唷!! ---> 我要報名上課!!
當然,美國LA也有開課囉!歡迎請至by Hannie facebook 社團私訊Hannie唷!

Fuzzy cut flowers as frame is so pretty.

You can put photos here.


This card is for a boy who wants to tell a girl he likes her; so I made this in pink,
fuzzy cut flowers with a paper flower. 
I also used a slightly torn edge as added detail.
這位可愛清純女孩很喜歡粉嫩色系,於是特別設計這張粉嫩的聖誕卡片 :)

This is the inside of the card.

You can take the small post card below the angel out for writing. 

You can see all the layers on this angle.

If you are interested in Hannie's projects, 
plz "LIKE"  by Hannie Fanpage ,

如果你對by Hannie的作品很有興趣,
歡迎加入 "by Hannie"粉絲專頁 及 "handmade by Hannie"手作社團,得到更多作品,課程,活動資訊,也可訂閱"by Hannie" youtube頻道,未來將增加線上教學影片。 :)

【Mini album】【Custom】--> Scatter Sunshine Mini Album

Hello! Hello! Today I am sending warm wishes your way today,
cause it is getting colder and colder these days because of  Christmas.
 I used bunnies and paper flowers for this album.
You can check the video to see more details in this project.
Hope you like it!!   :)

整體相本更粉粉嫩嫩,讓這個冬天多了一點暖暖的氣息,希望你們也喜歡這相本唷! :)

The Video:

All the pages are made from the 12 x 12 paper pad.
Using the Flourish collection from Authentique.
The cute bunny sticker is from my stash.

The album closes up with a ribbon from my stash.

The first page, I used the half page as a layer,
so you can see the paper flowers on the next page directly.

More tags and photo mats.
中間則是有三張photo mats可以使用。

The left side of the page use trim to hold the photo mats, and the photo mats on the right side page is held by tags and paper flowers.
左邊利用緞帶固定photo mats,右邊則以自製tag及更多的手工花來扣住photo mats。

The left side is a pocket held by laces with photo mats for photos.
And the right side is more photo mats. 
左邊使用蕾絲緞帶將photo mats固定,
取出兩張photo mat時,則不需要再將蕾絲緞帶拆開。
右邊則有一個斜口開的隔層,裡面有兩張大的photo mat可使用。

This is the 3 layers flap opened.

Using velcro to hold these 3 pages.

On the left side of the page, 
you can see there is a pocket holding 2 photo mats with velcro stick. 
The other side of the page is a short page to fit the memo papers, 
and it also contrasts the beautiful last page's color.
在魔鬼沾黏上後,可以看到左邊有一個口袋用來固定2張photo mat。

On the left side, you can write journal here. On the right side, I used 2 tags to hold 2 photo mats, and there is another page hold by magnets.
 左邊可以寫下文字,右邊也是多層次的頁面,使用上下2個tag固定photo mat,

Backside of the cover. 

If you are interested in Hannie's projects, 
plz "LIKE"  by Hannie Fanpage ,

如果你對by Hannie的作品很有興趣,
歡迎加入 "by Hannie"粉絲專頁 及 "handmade by Hannie"手作社團,得到更多作品,課程,活動資訊,也可訂閱"by Hannie" youtube頻道,未來將會增加線上教學影片。 :)

【Class】Afternoon tea and scrapbooking!!

by Hannie  X  Daisy Day Mini

Yay!!! It's holiday season, X'mas is coming!!
I was so excited for this class in LA today before Christmas.  :)
Let's take a look what we did! 

讓我們一起回顧當天上課的小小花絮 :)

Write down the main points to lead students to understand the class agenda about watercolor :)

Already prepared each materials for the ladies!! 

Also, I ve already prepared tons of gorgeous papers for everyone to choose for the main visual!
YES, the layout in front of the papers is the class that we are going to do today!

OH~oh! Someone can't decide!!
So many pretty papers and which one I should pick....

OK!! Let's get started to color!!

The base color is very important too, how to match the paper pattern is also a key point!!

It's time to get to cutting and sticking!!

Can't go without coffee when we are cutting and sticking!!

Can't go without cookies when we have coffee!!

Just enjoy this moment with coffee ,music and scrapbooking.
Sometimes we chatted, sometimes we laughed.
What a beautiful afternoon!!

Hope these ladies all had a good time with scrapbooking!! :)
希望妳們今天都有一個美好的午後唷 :)