3 Tips to Make 10 Easy Christmas Cards

Hi!!! Everyone

It's almost Christmas here!! Are you ready to give the Christmas cards along with your gifts? If you are still looking for some ideas, here it is.

After I took a Frank's class, I realized I still have a lot of leftover, why don't we make a card? So I made these Christmas cards by using Sweet Peppermint Collection from Prima Marketing. All of the base papers are 4x6 journaling cards which is really easy to use. 
這次使用了Prima Marketing的美術紙-Sweet Peppermint聖誕系列,所有的卡片的紙張都是使用4x6的小卡製作,上面已經有很多的主題樣式,所以非常容易製作,只需要想好自己的主題,配上幾個小裝飾,就可以簡單完成囉!

Some quick tips for you:

1. Take 2 different 4x6 cards. Take one of them and cut them down to 5 3/4 x 3 3/4, adhere it with foam tape on the other card.
1. 從中選出2張4x6的卡,挑選其中一張作為主題卡,把它裁為5 3/4 x 3 3/4,用泡綿膠帶將它黏貼在另一張卡片上。

2.  Start to add some chipboards, Prima flowers. If you want to make it more interesting, you can use some laces or ribbons from your stash.
2. 使用一些造型的厚紙貼紙、Prima美麗紙花。或者你也可以黏貼一些蕾絲或緞帶,讓整體看起來更有層次更豐富。

3. Don't forget the title, you can use the tag stickers as your title.
3. 可以利用文字貼紙貼上卡片的主標題,就完成囉!

So here are 10 Cards that I made last weekend:

1. *Holiday Magic*

2. *Deck The Halls*

3. *Warm Wishes*

4. *Tis The Season*

5. *Deck The Halls*

6. *SH-H-H* 

7. *A Warm Heart*

8. *Winter Wonderland*

9. *Merry Christmas* 

10. *Be Merry*